Recieve + Expand Mini Series Available NOW

I am happy to announce that the Recieve + Expand Mini Series I did with Megan deBoer is now available.

This series of calls took place between October 12th and November 9th, 2023 and it was truly special to spend that time with each and every one of the participants.

About The Series:

In this special 3 part series, we built on the topic of receiving money by exploring from a somatic perspective our experience with Power, Conflict + Boundaries, and Visibility.

Our body’s resilience and attunement in each of these areas aids our ability to flourish - financially and otherwise - in our businesses.

As we grow our nervous system’s capacity for safety in all of these areas, we become steady, receptive, clear and able to run a business that not only supports us but thrives in many areas.

Megan deBoer and I provide experiential support in navigating the internal and external complexity that each topic holds.

With guided embodiment, nervous system regulation and visioning exercises, you will be equipped with insight, gentle tools, and a nourished, more resilient system to opening to the more flourishing business you are calling in.

The series is now available to purchase for you to watch at your convenience. We hope that you love it!


Together We Rise Summit


EXPAND Now On Insight Timer!